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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

PSA topic

Everyday thousands of animals are abused worldwide. It is wrong to abuse any kind of animal­­­. Pets should be treated like family members. Studies show that a lot of violent people abused animals in their past. If you are mean enough to abuse innocent animals chances are you are also mean enough to abuse children. It is also important to get your pet spayed/neutered. One female dog and her offspring can produce 67,000 dogs in 6 years time. One female cat and her offspring can produce 20,736 in 4 years time. Feral female cats can potentially have 5 litters of kittens in a year.  Having those statistics just further support the need to spay and neuter our pets.  Maybe, if we get the numbers of unwanted animals down those that can harm them, then we are making progress in keeping those born from being harmed. Anyone who abuses animals should be punished because animal abuse is just plain wrong

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